Posted: March 01, 2012
happen if the city one day announced that it had decided to eliminate Mount Airy Playground and bring a developer in to build
houses there? What would be the likely result if, without consulting any of the neighbors, they decided to demolish the Watertower
Playground, in Chestnut Hill, and have a residential development built there? Can you imagine how those neighbors would react?
The city would not get through the second sentence of such an announcement before the community had killed the project.
But exactly
that is happening to us in Germantown. We are talking about the existing plan to eliminate the Wissahickon Playground - which
has existed in one form or another for 100 years and which is used daily by children and parents in our community - and to
build houses on the site. This plan was created by our former city councilwoman, Donna Reed Miller, behind closed doors.
The Recreation
Department, which owned the playground with the legal responsibility to preserve it intact for the use of our children, was
forced by Councilwoman Miller to sell the playground to the Housing Authority for one dollar so that it would no longer be
legally defined as a playground and, therefore, she could proceed with her plan to have the city hire a contractor to build
55 houses on it.
We call upon
our newly elected councilwoman, Cindy Bass, to correct this terrible plan and to restore the Wissahickon Playground to the
Recreation Department.
People who
are defending this plan say that the houses, which will be needed for low-income tenants once the Queen Lane high-rise is
demolished, must be built on the playground because there is no other space available, but that is not true. Anyone who knows
the area knows that there are many vacant lots, most of them already city property, that can and should be built on. It is
a perfect environment for what is called scattered-site housing.
housing development repairs the damage done to blocks by vacancy and abandonment while providing homes that are an integrated
part of an existing community rather than segregated in a low-income block set apart from the neighborhood. Building on the
vacant lots heals the blight while allowing the residents to keep an essential community center, which is the playground.
The current plan removes the playground forever while leaving the abandoned property and blight all around.
We are fortunate
that we have a new representative in government who can act to change the direction of this plan before it is too late. Councilwoman
Bass, do not allow any developer, public or private, to build on this community's only playground, an historic playground,
the first in the country known and documented to have been created specifically for the use by children of color. Move the
construction to other available sites, and convey the Wissahickon Playground back to the Recreation Department, where it belongs,
for our families and for our children
Melissa Graham
Karletha Brooks
Greg Paulmier